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STEP 1: THE 5W's

Ask the Right Questions When Preparing For the Presentation


In thinking about “When” you’ll present the recognition award, make sure
you consider the following:
• Make the presentation of the award a public event.
• Present the award on or near the event that earned it.
• Select a time that isn’t too stressful or one that wouldn’t seem
• Give yourself adequate time to prepare for the presentation.


When selecting the location for a presentation consider whether the
presentation is informal, semi-formal, or formal.
Select an appropriate location for the presentation that:
• Accommodates the number of attendees.
• Is comfortable and relaxed.
• Suits the tone of the presentation (informal, semi-formal, or formal).


Think about the individual you’re recognizing and make the presentation
appropriate to him or her.
Pay Attention to:
• When the recipient started with our organization.
• The recipient’s title and responsibilities.
• Promotions and other significant career events.
• Professional traits.
• Personal character.


This is the foundation of your presentation. It’s important for you to explain
the reason for the award. You might mention:
• A specific behavior.
• How the individual’s performance achieved specific results.
• A service anniversary, marking contributions over time.
Every presentation lets you demonstrate the link between individual
achievement and contribution to the organization’s goals.
• Give examples of dedicated performance, extra effort to complete
specific projects and ways the recipient’s overall character and
personality has supported the organization’s vision and values.
• Review the recipient’s support of new projects, new business and
leadership changes, and how that linked to positive business results.
• Show how the recipient’s personal or team goals have helped the
organization to achieve its goals.


Describing the “What” of an award also plays a role in your presentation.
Take the time to understand how the symbolic nature of the award ties to the individual, then demonstrate how the award ties to the behavior for which the recipient is particularly valued.