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Some Good Examples:


Retiree or Long-Time Contributor:


"While we're all here together, we have a service anniversary to recognize. Does anyone know who's been with us twenty-five years? Most of us weren't around, so I'll give you a hint…


She started here as a junior analyst. But that didn't last long. It took her less than a year to prove herself, and when a more-senior position opened up, there was no question about moving her into it. And that was just the first of many promotions.


I'm talking about Sue Browning, of course. Over the years, she has helped to build the company's legacy by serving at the manager and director levels.

Over the last two-and-a-half decades, we've seen Sue deliver the kinds of results we value at this company. You may know that she has devoted much of the last year tracking systems to other currencies, to aid our partnerships around the globe. Sue's contributions are definitely putting the company closer to its goal of being the customer's first choice, especially in the international market.


Sue, your hard work and dedication have made a real difference here at National. You've earned the respect and admiration of everyone you've worked with over the years. Please come forward and accept our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for twenty-five years of devoted service!"


General Introduction


Fast-Rising High Energy Employee


Solid and Steady Employee