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 “Cash and “rewards” require 5-8% of compensation to effect
behavior. Recognition requires 4% or less.”
- People, Performance & Pay, American Productivity Council

65% of the American workforce received no recognition or praise last year. What percentage of an average company’s workforce feels disengaged  71%


79% of employees listed “lack of appreciation” as one of the top reasons they would leave their job -     Source-  Society of Human Resource Management


Gallup Organization Stats-   Tom Rath, “How Full is Your Bucket”


65% of the American workforce received no recognition or praise last year.
What percentage of an average company’s workforce feels disengaged  71%


79% of employees listed “lack of appreciation” as one of the top reasons they would leave their job -     Source-  Society of Human Resource Management


From Maister Class:  Transform Morale into Money by Jennifer Reingold


Now, Maister has been able to show a real, casual relationship between employee satisfaction, the role of the manager, and pure, unadultered profit.   His study found that a company could boost its financial performance (measured by an index, combining two-year percentage growth in revenues and profit, margin and profit per employee) by as much as 42% by raising employees satisfaction by 20%.   In his study, the top 20% of offices with the best financial performance most significantly outperformed the others when it came to ranking one statement:  “Enthusiasm and morale are high.


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