“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”
- William James
“You can only motivate with high level needs, and recognition is a high level need.”
- Abraham Maslow
“Symbolism…It’s the difference between an award and a lasting memory”
- Brian Parsely, speaker – consultant- author
“Loyal, dedicated employees will create loyal customers, which in turn will generate incremental revenues.”
- Brian Parsley, inspirHIRED, novel ideas for novel leaders
“There is only one way . . . to get anybody to do anything . . .
And that is by making the other person want to do it.”
- Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People
“Most people take culture as a given. It is around you, the
thinking goes, and you can’t do anything about it. However,
when you run a company, you have the opportunity to
determine the culture.”
- Scot Cook, CEO, Intuit Corporation
“Be careful what you recognize, because it will surely and
absolutely multiply.”
- Tom Peters, In Search of Excellence
“Without recognition, desirable behaviors extinguish while
undesirable behaviors multiply.”
- George Abraham, Ph.D., Management Consultant
“The excellent companies require and demand extraordinary
performance from the average man (or woman). Neither the
few destructive laggards nor the handful of brilliant performers
are the key. Instead, attention must be given to the care,
feeding and unshackling of the average man (or woman).”
- Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence
“Research conducted by everyone from McKinsey & Company
to the National Science Foundation has pointed to a clear
link between managerial and executive recognition plans and
highly profitable organizations. It’s a little puzzling that more
companies don’t use recognition-style compensation at the
front line.”
- Ron Zemke, The Service Edge:
101 Companies that Profit from Customer Care
“If recognition has to wait until the performance appraisal
once a year, you might as well throw it away. Recognition
is something a manager should be doing all the time. It’s a
running dialogue with people.”
- Ron Zemke, The Service Edge:
101 Companies that Profit from Customer Care
“Companies that believe money is an employee’s sole
motivation for working are destined to lose some of their best
people. Praising accomplishments provides psychological
rewards that are critical to satisfaction in any professional
- Robert Half International
“In a brain-based economy, your best assets are people.
But how many leaders really “walk the talk” with this stuff?
Too often, people are assumed to be empty chess pieces
to be moved around by grand viziers, which may explain
why so many top managers immerse their calendar time in
deal making, restructuring and the latest management fad.
How many immerse themselves in the goal of creating an
environment where the best, the brightest, the most creative
are attracted, retained and, most importantly, unleashed?”
- Colin Powell, Secretary of State, United States of America
“Men and women want to do a good job, a creative job, and if
they are provided the proper environment, they will do so.”
- Bill Hewlett, Co-Founder of Hewlett Packard
“I find that when you champion the most noble values…
employees rise to the challenge, and you forever change their
- Scott Cook, CEO, Intuit Corporation
“Of all the actors measured, recognition and achievement
create the greatest levels of employee satisfaction.”
- Fredrick Herzberg
“Praising accomplishments provides psychological rewards
that are critical to satisfaction in any professional setting.”
- Robert Half International
“The top five motivating factors reported by employees:
i. Personal Thanks
ii. Written Thanks
iii. Promotion for Performance
iv. Public Praise
v. Moral Building Meetings
- Dr. Gerald Graham,
Professor of Management, Wichita State University