Survey Results
A survey conducted by Recognition Professionals International and World at Work reported 413 responses from a broad range of organization sizes. The overwhelming majority currently have recognition programs in place.
Does your organization currently have recognition programs in place? 84% yes 16% no
Nearly 4 out of 5 respondents felt their programs were meeting expected goals.
What were the objectives?
Companies of all sizes intended their recognition programs to meet several key objectives: the creation of a positive work atmosphere, reinforcing behaviors and motivating performance. Also important was increasing morale, supporting missions and values and using recognition as a tool for employee retention.
Most organizations choose a combination of formal and informal recognition. Informal recognition is characterized by spontaneous gestures of appreciation and are non-monetary or of small monetary value- Formal recognition is characterized by a structured or planned recognition program, rewarding attendance, performance, safety, years of service, etc. Combination of Formal and Informal (70%) Informal only (10%) Other (3%) Formal only (17%).
Respondents reported that their organization’s/company’s recognition strategy relied most heavily on programs recognizing length of service or membership, exceptional contributions, and the meeting or exceeding of performance goals.
What types of formal programs are offered?
Length of service 75%
Above and beyond 64%
Performance 53%
Suggestions/ideas 28%
Employee of the period 19%
Safety 19%
Sales 17%
Attendance 16%
Other 16%